property insurance

When something damages your property, you expect that your insurance provider will help you pay for the cost of repairs. While many insurance providers will pay you what you need up to the coverage limits of your policy, there are times that your claim may be denied. While you may be able to appeal the decision with help from a Michigan property insurance claims attorney, it’s helpful if you understand the common reasons for denial before you start. Here are some of the most common reasons insurance providers deny claims.

1. Submitting the Claim Too Late

Most insurance providers have limits on how long you can wait to file a claim for damage done to your property. The exact limit will vary from company to company, but for many, it’s around one year from the qualifying event. If you wait too long, your claim will likely be denied. Keep in mind that delaying your claim may not bar you from filing an appeal. If you think you’re eligible for a settlement and are confident that you filed your claim on time, consider speaking with a property insurance claims attorney as soon as possible.

2. The Damage Resulting From an Uncovered Event

Property insurance is designed to protect your property from damage from many common hazards but that doesn’t mean your policy will cover every type of hazard out there. If the damage happened as a result of an event that wasn’t covered by your policy, the insurance company can deny your claim. If this is the case, you may be able to appeal, but it’s unlikely that the insurance company will accept your appeal in the first place. 

3. Errors in Your Paperwork

Errors you make when filing your claim could result in the claim being denied. That’s why it’s so important to take your time when you’re filling out any forms and providing supporting documents to your insurance provider. Luckily, you’ll be able to appeal if the claim was denied due to filing errors. Your insurance agent should be able to guide you through the process.

4. Late Premium Payments

Unfortunately, you’ll need to make regular premium payments in full to your insurance company if you want to retain coverage. If you’re late with a payment or have missed a payment, your claim may be denied. Insurance companies are allowed to stop coverage until you make the payments you owe. If the damage happened when your coverage was lapsed, your claim may be denied. Your property insurance claims attorney may be able to help if you think this was in error or if you submitted payments on time but the insurance company doesn’t recognize those payments.

5. Not Having Enough Coverage

Your insurance policy should have clearly described coverage limits in place. These limits show the maximum amount of money you’re eligible to receive for a qualifying claim. If you don’t have enough coverage, the insurance company may deny your claim. You may still be able to appeal the decision if your claim’s denial was due to insufficient coverage. Your property insurance claims attorney will be able to help you figure out your best next steps.

You May Be Able to File an Appeal

When the insurance company denies your property damage claim, it’s easy to feel like you should just give up. Don’t. You have options and the best way to learn more about those options is to speak with an experienced Michigan property insurance claims attorney.

At Fabian, Sklar, King & Liss, our team is here to help. Whether you’ve had a claim denied or feel that the insurance company’s settlement is too low, our attorneys may be able to help you appeal your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.