Patrick King
Patrick A. King is a former shareholder at Fabian, Sklar, King & Liss, P.C. In 2022, Patrick retired from fulltime practice and now provides his consultation and advice to the firm and its clients from his new home in northern Michigan. With more than 47 years of experience, Patrick has litigated hundreds of cases involving insurance matters, including the investigation of potential arson and fraud defenses. He has defended and prosecuted errors and omissions cases against insurance agents and other insurance professionals and obtained two of the largest multimillion-dollar judgments against insurance agents in Michigan’s legal history.
Having previously attained Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI) status through the National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI), Patrick has lectured extensively on a variety of topics relating to origin and cause investigations of fires and explosions, including presentations to fire investigation organizations, fire science classes and insurance professionals. He has also presented at claim schools and seminars conducted by several major national insurance companies, focusing on advanced investigative techniques and other aspects of claims handling.
Patrick has served as an alternate member on the National Fire Protection Association Technical Committee on Fire Investigations, which is the group responsible for preparing NFPA 921: Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations. He also co‐authored the chapter on property insurance in Michigan Insurance Law and Practice, published by the Institute for Continuing Legal Education (ICLE).
He is a member of the American Bar Association, State Bar of Michigan, the American Association of Justice, Michigan Association for Justice, and International Association of Arson Investigators. He has been selected as a Michigan “Super Lawyer” by Super Lawyers magazine every year since 2008, and repeatedly as a “Top Lawyer in Insurance” by DBusiness magazine.
He earned a B.A. from the University of Michigan and a J.D. from the Wayne State University Law School.