property insurance claim

When you file a property insurance claim, you expect the insurance company to review your claim and reach a settlement quickly. After all, you’re relying on your insurance policy to help you cover the cost of any repairs or replacements that your property needs. As any Michigan property insurance claims attorney can attest, insurance providers may stall or drag their feet while reviewing your claim. 

That’s why Michigan has clear rules in place for how long insurance providers have to review claims and issue settlements. Here’s what you need to know about the timeline and what you can do if your provider takes too long.

Insurance Companies Must Investigate Claims Within 30 Days

Under Michigan law, insurance companies must review and investigate claims within 30 days of receiving the initial claim. During that time, they’ll consider the nature of your claim and the details of your policy’s coverage and coverage limits. They should notify you of whether the claim is accepted and valid within those 30 days. 

If the nature of your claim requires additional investigation and proof of loss, insurance providers may have up to 60 days to investigate your claim. This process may involve sending an insurance adjuster to inspect the damage, requesting documentation for proof of loss, and other similar requests.

What Happens if They Take Too Long?

Though most insurance providers will follow the state-specified timeline, some may end up taking too long. If your insurance provider hasn’t reached out to you within the 30-day window, you may be able to file a complaint with the Department of Insurance and Financial Services. They’ll review your claim and notify your insurance company of the violation.

Alternatively, you could also speak with a Michigan property insurance claims attorney and let them communicate with your insurance provider on your behalf. 

Signs You Should Hire a Michigan Property Insurance Claims Attorney

Making the decision to hire an experienced attorney can be tough, but there are some clearcut signs that working with a legal professional is a good choice for your case. Here are the top signs to watch for.

Your Insurance Company Keeps Stalling

If your insurance company keeps stalling or isn’t responsive to your concerns, working with an attorney is likely a good idea. Your attorney will be able to discuss your case with the insurance provider and ensure that they’re held accountable to Michigan’s timeline. This can increase the chances of you getting a fair settlement more quickly so you can get your property back in shape.

They’ve Denied Your Claim Outright

If your insurance provider denies your claim for any reason, working with an attorney may help. They’ll be able to review your provider’s reasons for denial and the details you provided in your claim. If they determine that there’s cause for the insurance company to accept and approve your claim, they can help you appeal the decision. 

Your Settlement Offer Is Too Low

Insurance providers are in business to make money. This means they typically try to give claimants the lowest settlement amount possible. The lower the settlement is, the better their profit margins will be. Unfortunately, this can result in settlement offers that are too low to fully cover the cost of repairs or replacements. By hiring an attorney, you’ll have an industry expert on hand to argue your case with the insurance provider. They may be able to get you a larger settlement so you can move on with your life.

Let Fabian, Sklar, King & Liss Help

If you’re concerned about your insurance company taking longer than they should to review your claim, don’t try to navigate the process on your own. Let the experienced Michigan property insurance claims attorneys at Fabian, Sklar, King & Liss help. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.