Hailstorms can happen any month of the year, and while many of them are minor, some can result in golf-ball-sized hailstones. Those bigger hailstones can do serious damage to your home and your property. Your homeowner’s insurance policy will help you cover the cost of repairs, but you’ll need to file a claim to get the funds you need. Your Michigan storm insurance claims attorney wants you to be prepared before the next severe weather event strikes. Here are the steps you’ll want to take if your home is damaged in a hailstorm.
Notify Your Insurance Company
The first thing you’ll want to do is notify your insurance provider of the damage. Let them know what happened and explain the storm to them in as much detail as you can. Your insurance agent or claims representative should guide the conversation, asking questions that will help them file your claim. Answer those questions to the best of your ability and if anything is unclear or they use terms that aren’t familiar to you, be sure to ask for clarification. The more you can understand about the claims process, the better prepared you’ll be to go through it.
Document the Damage Thoroughly
Once you notify your insurance provider of the problem, be sure to document the damage in detail. Take pictures of any damage you can and write down descriptions of the damage you photograph. Those descriptions can provide more insight into the full severity of the damage and can help your insurance company provide you with a better settlement offer. Remember, with homeowners’ insurance claims, there’s no such thing as too much detail.
Make Only Minor and Necessary Repairs
While it might be tempting to hire a contractor to repair the damage immediately, don’t. Doing so can cause your insurance company to offer you a lower settlement amount in the long run. Instead, make only the necessary repairs required to keep your home habitable. This may involve spreading tarps on your roof or other temporary fixes.
The goal is to ensure that the damage is still visible when the insurance adjuster visits your property. If the damage has been fixed, they’ll have no way of knowing how extensive the damage was or how much the insurance company should pay you to cover the cost of repairs.
Get the Property Inspected by the Insurance Adjuster
Part of the claims process involves getting your home assessed by an insurance adjuster. These professionals typically work for insurance companies and are trained to examine hail damage and estimate the cost of repairs to issue you a fair settlement. At least, that’s the theory. Since insurance adjusters work for your insurance provider, they’ll typically try to save the company as much money as possible. This means recommending the smallest settlement amount that’s likely to be acceptable to the homeowner.
If you can, be present during the inspection. This will let you point out damage and highlight concerns that the adjuster may otherwise miss. The more you can point out, the more likely you are to get a larger settlement.
Accept or Appeal the Settlement Offer
Once the insurance company reviews the adjuster’s report, they’ll issue you a settlement offer. If you think the amount is fair, you can accept it. But if it’s too low or you’re worried that the money won’t be enough to pay a local contractor for repairs, you can and should appeal the settlement.
Work With a Michigan Storm Insurance Claims Attorney
The insurance settlement appeal process can be stressful. That’s why it’s always a good idea to work with an experienced Michigan storm insurance claims attorney, like the team at Fabian, Sklar, King & Liss. Our team will represent your interests with the insurance company and work to get you the money you need. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.