insurance agent negligence

Home and property insurance policies help you cover the cost of any repairs or replacements you’ll need to make when the worst happens. But finding the right amount of coverage for your needs can be tough. That’s why many homeowners choose to work with an experienced insurance agent. 

While most agents will perform their duties flawlessly, there may be times when a homeowner falls victim to insurance agent negligence. A Michigan insurance agent negligence lawyer can help make things right. But before you file a claim, here’s what you need to know about what agents are supposed to do and your rights if their negligence caused you harm.

What Is Insurance Agent Negligence? 

Insurance agents are expected to help you find the right coverage for your situation. This means learning about the risks your property faces, the value of the property and personal effects you’re trying to insure, and the risks you’re most concerned about. Armed with this information, your insurance agent is responsible for finding policies that satisfy those needs. And the more specific you can be, the better they’ll be able to do their jobs.

If you expressed your concerns and purchased a policy that the insurance agent claims is perfect only to find that the coverage is not enough to protect you after a qualifying event, your agent may be negligent and responsible for the damages.

Can You Sue Your Insurance Agent in Michigan?

If you believe your agent is negligent and recommended policies that did not adequately meet your needs, you may be able to sue them for the difference in cost. Proving their negligence can be difficult since you do bear some responsibility for reviewing the policy’s details before you purchase them. However, courts understand that most people aren’t familiar enough with the ins and outs of insurance policies to fully understand the protection they offer without the help of an insurance agent.

How Can You Tell if You Have a Lawsuit?

To have a lawsuit for insurance agent negligence, you’ll need to show that your coverage was not what the insurance agent represented when you agreed to purchase it. Often, this means showing a denied claim or insufficient settlement after a qualifying event. You’ll also need to be able to show the types of coverage you requested, the coverage limits, and the concerns you expressed to your insurance agent prior to purchasing a policy. This will help you show that your agent acted negligently and recommended policies that did not meet your needs.

The best way to determine if you have a case is to speak with a Michigan insurance agent negligence lawyer. They’ll be able to review your case and help you decide if suing the insurance agent who you worked with is in your best interest. If it is, they’ll be able to represent your case in court.

The Remedies Available if You’re Successful

Most insurance agent negligence lawsuits result in settlements that make up for the money you lost after your claim was denied. If you received a low settlement from the insurance company, your negligence settlement could cover the difference in the cost of repairs or replacement that you would’ve had if your agent helped you purchase adequate coverage. 

Speak With a Michigan Insurance Agent Negligence Lawyer

If you believe you’re the victim of insurance agent negligence and are interested in pursuing a lawsuit against your agent, speak to the team at Fabian, Sklar, King & Liss. Our insurance agent negligence lawyers will review your case and help you determine the best next steps. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.